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Rare Decor galore! Get ready to meet them with the new Rare Decor Indicator feature!
Sep 17 2024

Have you ever met a sparkling Rare Decor Pikmin? If you haven’t, here’s the scoop: until now, there were actually 3 Rare Decor Pikmin in the Restaurant category (red, yellow, and blue) and, as their name indicates, encountering them was a fairly rare (and dare we say lucky) event!

This is about to change: starting September 26th, all users will have a fair chance at meeting Rare Decor Pikmin, if they put in the time and effort!

On this date, Rare Decor will be made available to Scissors, Fishing Lure, and Baguette Decor Pikmin, in addition to the existing Chef Hat. Keep on reading to learn more, and get ready to meet them!

Raise your Rare Decor level to meet Rare Decor Pikmin!

  • Starting on September 26th, a new Rare Decor Level indicator will be displayed in Decor Pikmin categories where Rare Decor is available, and for which you’ve already met all regular Decor Pikmin. These categories are Restaurant, Hair Salon, Waterside, and Bakery. The Rare Decor Level indicator will be displayed within the relevant category in your Decor Pikmin Collection.
    ※Please note that this indicator will not be displayed in categories for which you haven’t met all regular Decor Pikmin yet.

  • You can raise your Rare Decor Pikmin level by collecting Rare Decor Points. These are awarded through different actions, such as plucking out a new Pikmin, or releasing a Pikmin of the same category.

  • Every time you raise your Rare Decor Pikmin level, you will receive an Expedition for a Gold Gift. You can only send regular Decor Pikmin from the relevant category to pick up this gift. The Pikmin you select to go on the Expedition will be the one to wear the Rare Decor upon return, so make sure to pick the one you’d like to see wearing the Rare Decor!

  • You can always continue to raise your Rare Decor Pikmin level. Keep collecting Rare Decor Points and increase your level to meet all Rare Decor Pikmin for each category!

*Please note that Restaurant seedlings found prior to September 26th will continue to have a rare chance of growing into a Rare Decor Pikmin even after the implementation of this new feature. However, Restaurant seedlings found from September 26th on won’t include Rare Decor Pikmin at all.

How to earn Rare Decor Points

Rare Decor Points can be obtained in the following ways:

・Plucking out a new Pikmin in the relevant category.
・Meeting a new Decor Pikmin in the relevant category (both from a Huge Seedling, and from raising friendship levels).
・Releasing a Pikmin in the relevant category.

*Please note that each action will award a different amount of points.
*As your Rare Decor Level increases, the amount of required points to advance to the next level will increase too.

*In order for this new feature to display correctly, please use app version v103 or later.

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